Friday, May 23, 2014

My Dearest Lola

To My Dearest Daughter,

First off, words cannot express how much I adore you and your smart, funny, confident personality. Please don’t ever lose that and don’t let anyone try and take that away from you.

You are special, different and uniquely you. People will like you just the way you are or they can take a hike. Don’t try to change for anyone but do constantly learn, grow and strive to be the best person you can be.

Each day is a new day to be your best.  If you ever finding yourself dreading Mondays, ask yourself why and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! I love Mondays. Mondays signify a rebirth, a wealth of new opportunities; a time each week when I can try to do better, be better and get smarter.

Embrace change. Change is the only constant in our lives. Be okay with moving.

As your mom, I feel the need to say, “I’m sorry.” I’m sorry I have to work so hard. I’m sorry I have to work such long hours. You see, no matter how well I do, I still don’t make enough. I am working on that, My Love. And each day I find better and better opportunities to be able to have enough for us without sacrificing too much time. I do want a life outside of work and I want more time with you.

I wish your life to be much easier and much less bumpy than mine. I wish for you all the things I used to wish for like everlasting love, a white picket fence and a wonderful life filled with learning, travel and laughter. I’ve had that many times and I do cherish each precious memory.  In the recent past, we’ve experienced less of that stuff and more of the stressful stuff and for that, I am also deeply sorry. Things are getting better each day and soon you and I will be on a wonderful vacation together.

Always remember: Happiness is an unattainable goal. Perfection doesn’t exist. Peace of mind, confidence, knowing you’re a good person; a strong, smart person who can solve any problem life may throw you…that is an attainable goal. That is something you can do. I hope I am a good example for you in that regard. Life isn’t always happy but it’s about creating more moments of excitement than not and it’s also about knowing how to deal with yucky stuff when it comes up.

Dance the tango while you’re doing dishes, sing your heart out while you’re stuck in traffic, practice your best tap dancing moves while on line at CVS.

Create your own excitement. Be yourself. Express yourself. Love yourself as much as I love you.


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