Two women.
400 letters to Santa
Can we do it?
(scroll down)
YES WE DID!!!!!!!
On behalf of my cousin Perryn and myself, it is with great humility and even greater gratitude that we reach out to everyone who helped us perform this Christmas miracle. Each one of you who contributed has made this possible. Together, we have answered ALL of the children of Harlem Dowling's letters to Santa and made their wishes come true. Can one person can make a difference? Yes! Without each and every single one of you this would not have been possible. If one person hadn't donated, one child's wish would be left unfulfilled. The importance of knowing that everyone counts cannot be stressed enough.
More tears could not be shed, more hugs and kisses could not be given. For those of you who came here in person and saw for yourself what a few thousand toys look like in a small house, for those of you who helped us wrap, those who picked up gifts all over the place and delivered them to us, those who never met us and took a chance, those who took great care in purchasing the exact thing a child requested, those who donated their own possessions to make this happen, those who enlisted the help of friends, family and co-workers and helped us spread the word of our fledgling charity, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
The children have received their gifts and we are as excited as they are.
Blessings to you all. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and may the most wonderful things happen to you because of your generosity. Please feel free to visit this page throughout the year and post your stories in the comment section of how your random act of kindness was
returned to you.
Please email me (Jenn) with your mailing addresses so Harlem Dowling can send each one of you a thank you and a tax deductible form for your kind donations.
Thank you again.
With love and gratitude,
Jenn and Perryn
(close relatives of Mrs. Claus)
Last year I was made aware of a charitable organization called Harlem Dowling, New York's
oldest orphanage located right here in Harlem, NY. Harlem Dowling services orphans, foster children, helps children be placed back in their homes with their parents, handles adoptions, helps at-risk youth , teens, young adults with after-school programs and so much more. I called over to Harlem last year and asked if any of the children had written letters to Santa, by chance. I had answered random letters written to Santa in the past from the NYC Post Office and doing that always brought me joy. The Post Office used to send letters in the mail upon request. Now, since 9/11, you have to go in person and pick up the letters and present ID. Last year at this time, I was working like a dog, 16 hours a day, trying to make deadlines, trying to make ends meet so I didn't have the time to go in person and the answer to my question about HD having letters was a resounding, "Yes! And they won't get answered. They are sitting on my desk in a big pile," said the director. I asked to be read one letter over the phone that I could answer. And the first letter read:
"Dear Santa,
I would like a Barbie.
6 years old"
I gasped- oh my. My daughter asks for 900 things every year for Christmas but this little girl only wants one simple Barbie. I was already at Toys R Us in my head. I asked for another letter:
"Dear Santa,
Please bring me a toy car and maybe a puzzle.
Love, B
5 years old"
My heart was breaking. I asked for another letter and another and yet another and soon I had agreed to answer every letter on that desk, 19 letters in total. I had agreed to purchase and deliver 19 Christmas gifts for these children.
But how would I answer all of the letters myself? Last year I hadn't enough money to buy my own child presents for Christmas. I couldn't let these children down so I called every friend, posted on facebook and some incredible angels came to help me perform this Christmas miracle. Not only was I able to answer the 19 letters but with support from my amazing friends and generous clients, last year I was able to buy 100 extra Christmas gifts for the Harlem children.
Nineteen letters. It felt great but then it sunk in. Harlem Dowling services over 1,100 children. I began to feel sad. I didn't do enough. So many children who had not thought to write perhaps didn't receive anything for Christmas.
This year, my cousin teamed up with me. She created a wonderful letter for the social workers to help the kids fill out so they can jot down their wishes from Santa.
I am so excited to announce that we have about 400 letters to Santa this year. I am grateful, overwhelmed and all that. So, if you want to make a child's wish come true this year, please look through the list below, contact me ASAP and let me know which gift you would like to take care of. You can choose a child in need, (just let me know so we don't have dupes!) purchase the gift yourself and ship it to me (try Amazon- FREE shipping) so I can deliver it, if you live locally (Long Island) I can pick it up or you can send me a donation and I will purchase the gift or if you would like to give a general donation I always welcome that. I will pick up as much as I can but not much time left. I just got the letters yesterday and this will take a small miracle to pull off. If you can neither give a gift nor money, please consider taking something from your wardrobe closet, pantry, attic or basement. Harlem Dowling needs clothing, winter coats (for babies through adult sizes), and FOOD! I will pick up any donations of gifts, food, winter coats or clothing that is gently used (please- I mean gently) if I can but the clock is ticking. Please respond ASAP!!!!!! And please help me perform an even greater miracle this year. Please pass this around. If you are unable to help, perhaps someone you know can. Anyone who donates will receive a letter for tax purposes. All donations are 100% tax-deductible. Please visit to learn more about this wonderful charity for which I am volunteering.
With much love, gratitude and joyful wishes for this coming new year.
Jennifer Scully
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