Friday, March 8, 2013

How Well Do You Know Yourself?

I am constantly amazed at the number of people who don't seem to know much about the subject they should get straight A's in. Themselves.

There are few things I know so much about but then again, I am an only child and I have had quite a bit of time to think.

It's obvious a person isn't too well-acquainted with himself when he's asked, (and please don't ask), "So, tell me about yourself." (which is like the worst non-question-that's-really-a-cop-out-in-command-form ever) You'll get, "I'm a doctor. I studied at Yale University. I'm 32 years old. I grew up in Boston." And more fantastically interesting and min-blowingly deep answers like that. Is that who you are? Is what you do to make money or where you went to school- is that what defines you? I actually NEVER ask someone what they do for a living unless they are super-quiet, we're only half-way on a drive from NY to FL and I'm plum outta questions.

The more meaty questions are: What is your passion? What are your dreams? Goals? What is your favorite thing to do when you are alone? What is the one thing you could change about yourself if only you could?

A few things I already know about me: I crave chaos so I create it by procrastinating, rushing, creating impossible to-do lists or daily tasks. I need to feel accomplishment. I can't sleep with the door closed. I think too much. Conversely and yet simultaneously, I let my heart decide too often. I eat when I'm stressed. I hate taking out the garbage and running errands. I abhor food shopping or any shopping for myself. I haven't worn my 'dry clean only' clothes in 10 months because I just can't get myself to go to the dry cleaner. It's the wrote and mundane and I hate it! I hate mean people and being cold. And cold, by the way, is anything less than 60 degrees- only because cold is so relative. And now I'm done with that part. I don't like the word "hate" and only reserve it for those select items.

I would probably steal your chocolate when you're not looking. But then I would buy you some Did ya hear me when I said I hate shopping? 

I pick at my cuticles. I deprive myself too often.

I know that there's no such thing as perfect but I still always try. It's a losing battle, so I breathe and let it go, but tomorrow I may just try again. I am the definition of insanity in that case. I attempt to win approval from those whom are so difficult to give it. I fail and then...try again. I have been called "crazy, but in a good way" more than once. I can be really fun!

I challenge myself and set goals which I always achieve (some I am in the middle of achieving as I write). I am sensitive yet strong. I am on a good path. I can't change. No one can. So it's about acceptance. I accept myself. I'm always trying to be better and do better and I believe everyone should but in the end, we will still be ourselves, only better. Know that about your own damn self and everyone around you. People don't change! P-e-o-p-l-e d-o-n-t c-h-a-n-g-e.

Favorite place on earth so far? Italy. Next dream vacation? Brazil, maybe. The rainforest seems so magical, don't it?

I used to dance naked in front of the mirror when I was alone. Now, I work. I'm trying to change that but it's a process.

Enough about me. Let's talk about you:

Where would you live if you could choose anywhere on earth?

If you could trade lives for a week with anyone living or dead whom would that be?

If you could ask Martin Luther King, Jr. one question, what would that be?

Who would you rather see as our next president- Bill Gates or George Clooney and why?

What makes you cry?

If you were living on a deserted island and had plenty of fruit and nuts would you take up hunting or fishing? I'm saying you don't have to for nutritional purposes. Yes? What are you, a savage?

You're at the movies and you can only choose popcorn OR Goldenberg's Peanut Chews. Which one? Quick. There's a long line!

What makes you laugh so hard you start crying? Well, go out and do that right now and then tell me about it so I can laugh with you.

Please ask yourself these important questions and others- just keep going. Take one of those dating quizzes like the 17,000 page one on because if you know yourself you then possess the key to making yourself happy/satisfied/peaceful/fulfilled; even for a moment, an hour, a day, an hour a day, whatever it is. You can't rely on others to give you the feeling of happiness, peace or acceptance or what you need at the moment.  And remember, a happy life just consists of more fun moments than not, so don't be afraid to tip the scale. Make good choices. Choose to not be angry or frustrated. Choose instead to laugh it off. No one has it easier or harder than you. It's all how you process it, handle it and most simply, look at it.