Monday, November 29, 2010

Dating Horror Story #6: The Story of The Dimes

I believe in fate, destiny, hope, true love, romance and I often dream of being rescued from a tower by a man on a white horse, though I know I would be able to get myself out because I am somewhat of a female MacGyver or as I have been affectionately nicknamed, Martha Villa, (the biological product of Martha Stewart and Bob Villa). Just give me a bedsheet or some chewing gum and a popsicle stick and I will figure it out. But yet, I still dream. To dream is to live. And to visualize that dream makes it become reality.

So when I set out to meet someone I sat down and made a list of things I was looking for and then I visualized that list taking the form of a real-life man. He should be: tall, handsome, good-hearted, generous, fun, divorced with children so he would be able to understand my priorities and time constraints, he should be handy as all heck so we could build a life together emotionally as well as physically (always dreamed of renovating an old farmhouse) and he should live in Manhattan so he is cultured and aware. And if he is on the east side that would be great so my commute would be easier. Hey, you have to be practical sometimes, even in dreams. ;)

I closed my eyes and made a wish on my birthday. I saw this man clearly. I blew out my candles, opened my eyes, smiled and then just waited for him to come walking into my life.

Three days after my birthday I got a phone call from this man, though I didn't know it at the time. We began speaking and we found out that we had much in common. Our families are from the same two towns in Italy, we both have one young child, we are on the same visitation schedule, he is handsome, tall, doesn't drink very often (added bonus), handy as all heck as he renovated a 6,000 square foot home on his own and he lives in Manhattan on the east side! We had such an easy time talking to one another that we stayed on the phone for 6 1/2 hours! Really? I haven't been on the phone with anyone ever for 6 1/2 hours. Wow!!

Every year for my birthday I am given the same gift, no matter what I ask for. It always comes from different people but it never waivers. This "gift" is called Bronchitis. I get a cold and then an annoying dry cough. During the course of the conversation, I coughed many times and apologized for sounding gross but I knew I was at the tail end of this sickness and this nastiness would soon disappear.

As we were talking, the name of my business came up, ReDesign for a Dime. He gasped but I kind of ignored it. He said he had something to tell me but he didn't want to freak me out so he would tell me after we got to know each other. I pressed him (I can be good at that) and he divulged. He had been to a psychic 3 years ago who told him that he wouldn't meet the girl of his dreams for a few years but he would know when he was about to meet her because he would start seeing dimes everywhere; no other coins, just dimes. He had seen dimes on the street, on elevators, on the ground at random places and times that same week we were speaking. The name of my business has the word dime in it. I thought it was strange but I dismissed it until...I walked outside to get some air on my patio, sat down at my table and what was there, sitting right in front of me? One lone dime! A dime on my table and nothing else. I don't leave change anywhere. I am a neat freak and I put everything away. How did this dime get there? Holy crapola, Batman! I told this man about the dime and I actually began crying. It was so moving and yet so bizarre. We were both kind of freaked out but we had such a nice conversation and both wanted to continue so we decided to have dinner two days later and see if this dime theory held any water.

He picked me up and my, he was handsome, tall and also well-dressed. My dogs loved him (just another added bonus) and he was not bothered by my little monster Shih-tzsu Fergie who likes to jump all over the ones she likes.

We got to the restaurant he had chosen and he decided it was too bright and not romantic enough. I recommended a restaurant I had found online, got directions and off we went. We were driving around in circles because it turned out the restaurant I had found had gone out of business. We were lost and starving but things like that don't upset me and he didn't seem upset either. That was great because I have a hard time dealing with people who can't go with the flow and can't sweat the small stuff. Yet another check on my list.

I suggested a restaurant nearby so we could eat right away. Everything felt right. We had a nice dinner and a good time together, though my cough was pretty persistent. I had two glasses of wine which is a lot for me these days so I was a little more "open" than I normally would be and the wine only further dried out my throat and made my hacking worse. He dropped me off at home and I practically asked him to kiss me good night. I had to know right then and there if this chemistry was right. He seemed hesitant and I'm not sure he felt the same way I did but some people are shy at first so I overlooked that. I said good night, thanked him for dinner and went inside.

The next day I didn't hear from him and sent him a text message saying that I had a nice time and I asked him what he thought about the whole thing. He said, "You are a lovely woman and a wonderful person and we should try to get together soon." Ah, the kiss of death! You tell 900 lb. women that they are wonderful people. And with a "compliment" like that there is always an implied "but" afterward. And we should "try" to get together soon? With our children on the same schedule and with living 30 minutes from each other would it be that much of an effort?

I knew right then and there this was doomed. He didn't feel it. After the 6 1/2 hour talk, the whole dime thing, the nice evening together, something was missing for him and I would never know what it was. Was it was my cough? That is temporary so probably not? Perhaps the dimes and the commonalities, fate and destiny were all too much for him? Maybe it's the old saying, "If it seems too good to be true...?" I will never know.

I believe in too good to be true. I believe in romance and I want the happy ending, the white horse, the magic. I think it's there if you find the right person. And I still believe in destiny even though I also believe that we can alter our destinies with even the simplest of decisions. Think about the film Sliding Doors...I only wonder what would have been...


  1. First time long time. If he's going to let a silly cough get in his way then he's no prince. It has to be the cough, he was probably a germaphobe or something lol!!! if you kiss enough frogs, youre bound to find the prince eventually!! keep your head down and keep blogging sweet ray of light, the farmhouse will cum to you eventually!!!!

  2. Thank you, Fred. I appreciate that very much. :-)
