Monday, November 15, 2010

The Cheap Cure for Flat Hair and The Best Hair Brush on the Market

Hair is dead. Let's face it. Nothing you do will truly revive your hair. There are no expensive salon products that will give you "healthy hair." The good news is there are a few things you can do to make your thin or tired hair look better and you don't have to spend a ton of money. Most products are about packaging, marketing and fragrance over quality or active ingredients so go for the cheap stuff. I have some recommendations below that really work and won't hurt your pocketbook.

One thing to try- give your colorist and you hair a break and go natural. It might take an appointment or two to get back to your birth color but every once in while your hair needs a rest and you will actually look younger. Save money, look younger, all good!

I digress...Flat hair is usually caused by the natural oils produced by the scalp and the products we use might even be making it worse. so let's get that scalp super-clean.


For a deep clean, try Pantene's clarifying shampoo. Use it about once a week. This will get rid of oils or product residue and deeply cleanses your scalp. While shampooing, concentrate more on your scalp than your hair- really scrub it to get rid of any dry or dead skin. Dead cells clog pores which inhibits hair growth.

should only be applied to the ends of your hair. It is really only for detangling. If you have no tangles, try going sans conditioner which might give you enough volume so you don't need volumizer- no need to spend extra bucks. 

This conditioner by Suave is very economical at $2.00, gets out all the tangles and smells great: 

The Best and Last Hairbrush You Will Ever Buy

This brush by Mason Pearson has been around since the 1860's and there's a reason. It works. It gets the knots out painlessly and it lasts forever, literally. Mine is 9 years old and still looks brand new. Every good hair stylist owns this brush. 

Kids have tangles? 
Avoid fights by brushing the bottom of the hair first. Think about a rope with a knot in it. You wouldn't start from the top and rip downward. That's what we're doing if we're brushing hair from the top down. Starting at the bottom and working your way up in sections is much less ouchy. This product from Suave works great on kids and helps with the knots. It is a shampoo, conditioner and body wash all in one so a real cash-saver! If you should need extra conditioner for big knots, use the Suave Naturals I mentioned above and only apply to the ends. 

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