Wednesday, December 1, 2010

OMG- It's a Miracle! Organic Noodles with so much fiber that they have no calories!!!!

Read about the health benefits of these Japanese noodles. Then Pick some up and try them in soups or with your favorite sauce! No calories, tons of fiber that keeps you full for hours and helps your digestion products. These are the only noodles considered to be safe for diabetic patients. Noodles that help you lose weight?! YES!!!!!!!

Why Is The Miracle Noodle So Healthy?

The answer to this questions lies in understanding the role of fiber in our diets. Our noodle is made mainly of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber acts to slow digestion. By doing this, it allows for the slower absorption of glucose and is the reason behind its beneficial effects in diabetes.
The soluble fiber found in the Miracle Noodle slows digestion and prolongs the sensation of fullness and is an essential part of any weight loss program. You also absorb more nutrients in the foods you eat with The Miracle Noodle due to the slowing of digestion. 

How Can The Miracle Noodle Help Me In My Weight Loss Goal?

Just by replacing one meal per day with our noodles will significantly raise your needed fiber intake and dramatically lower your total calorie intake. In combination with raising your metabolic rate with moderate exercise, you have just found the tasty weight loss plan you have been looking for.

Can the soluble fiber in The Miracle Noodle help my cholesterol? 

Yes! Soluble fiber binds bile acids that are secreted from the gall bladder. These bile acids have cholesterol in them and are bound up by the soluble fiber in the Miracle Noodle and then excreted. See the 3rd study on the left for specific documentation.
How does The Miracle Noodle help Type II Diabetes?
By slowing the digestive process, there is a slower absorption of glucose which then requires a slower release of insulin from the pancreas which aids in the normalization of blood glucose after eating a meal.

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