Here's a thing that I thought I might not talk about but many of us (if not all) have hair in unwanted places and myself, being an I-talian girl, have had more than my share.
I have tweezed, shaved, bleached, gotten electrolysis, laser treatments, waxed and cried. I will tell you the few things that work and hopefully this will help some of you who have had this same struggle.
I will start with waxing. Most of us have heard about the Brazilian wax and perhaps you remember Samantha from Sex & The City talking about it so openly. What does Brazilian wax mean? Going completely bare and hairless? No, actually it means wax from Brazil. The amount of hair you want to remove is up to you. Brazilian women are notoriously hairy and their culture is also beauty-obsessed. These two things do not coincide so they have developed a formula for wax that is...get this...virtually painless! I heart my woman at Sonia's Waxing Plus and wouldn't trade her for anything. Check out to see the three locations. If one is not near you, look for a salon that imports wax from Brazil. You will save a lot of time as this wax works more quickly than most and more importantly, you will save a TON of tears. If you don't shave in between appointments you will have less discomfort each time you go to the point that it you will barely feel it at all. Oh, if I had only known about this years ago!
Laser hair removal also works wonders. I had 3 treatments in 2003 and those areas remain completely smooth and hairless today. The trick is not to go to a laser center but to go to a dermatologist. Individual treatments may be more expensive than ones at a laser center but you will not need as many treatments so in the long run you save precious time as well as a ton of money. (Dermatologists have much more powerful lasers than the cosmetic spas because the high-powered lasers require that a physician operate them).
Shaving. Oy, Gillette. I hesitate to say this because the blades are just so expensive but Gillette's Mach III Turbo razors seem to work the best. The head pivots and you get a really close shave. Try picking up blades at your local wholesale club or here at Amazon to save a lot of dough.
Electrolysis is incredibly painful and it doesn't work. I repeat, it does not work. Go high tech. Laser is the only way to go for permanent hair removal. Plus, if you go to a dermatologist they can give you numbing cream before your treatment so you won't feel a thing!
Do-It-Yourself Hair Removal
I have mentioned this before but I will say it again, the best tweezer on the market comes from Switzerland and is called Rubis Slant Tweezer. Mine is now 10 years old, still going strong and I have never had to sharpen it. Very well-worth the money. It gets teeny little stubble like no other tweezer can.
For areas like upper lip and eyebrows, hands, feet, places you can see and reach easily, this at-home wax works wonders. It doesn't hurt and melts quickly in the microwave. Keep this on hand for in between professional appointments or do it yourself all the time. It's easy and pretty fool-proof. The best thing is, you can melt it over and over again and save a lot of money. For the cost of one waxing you can do your upper lip for months with the 4 oz. size.
Still not ready to remove your hair? Why not lighten it a bit? This bleaching "creme" has been around forever and works great. Women, use this on your face once a month or so. The bleach actually cleans your skin so it helps with blemishes and leaves you with a nice glow. Marilyn Monroe used to bleach the hair on her face to give herself an ethereal look. It helps to lighten the skin also and decreases the look of dark spots. Be careful, though. Follow the directions carefully and if you feel any more than a tingle, wipe it off and start over because it means you didn't mix the formula properly.

Welcome to my blog! I'm Jennifer Scully, a single mom, an interior designer based in Long Island, New York. Here I will be posting tips on how to be the best you can possibly be. I will post lifestyle tips and other random things like my awesome children's charity and I will share stories which will give you a peek into my sometimes crazy life. Thanks for reading!! And be sure to visit my websites and
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
My Favorite 15 Minute Healthy Meal- Chicken or Vegetarian
It's dinner time and you've nothing to eat. Before you order a pizza, you may have everything you need for a quick and healthy dinner. If you don't typically stock these things in your pantry or freezer, stock up! My favorite part about this recipe is how versatile it is. It can be made with meat or completely vegetarian and it can be made with a variety of ingredients, either fresh or frozen!
I got this basic recipe from my mom and I constantly play around with it. It always tastes good, every time. Prep time is about 10 minutes. Cooking time- 3 minutes! Try it with what you have lying around. I affectionately call it:
-1 Box Pacific Naturals Organic Chicken Broth (Use Pacific Naturals Veggie Broth for veggie version)
-1 Glass Jar or can of cooked, pureed tomatoes (tomato "sauce")
-1 package of boneless chicken breasts (organic; fresh or frozen)
-Substitute chicken with your favorite beans for veggie soup
A few handfuls of chopped fresh or frozen veggies (buy organic!) I like to add things like broccoli, spinach, carrots, cauliflower or zucchini but any veggies your family will eat will work.
**Healthy Carbs
1 box of whole grain pasta (fiber content of 4g per serving or higher)
Combine broth and tomato sauce in a soup pot and using a high flame, bring to a boil. Add salt and pepper.
While those are heating up, (defrost if you need and) chop up one package of boneless chicken breasts
Wash and chop fresh veggies or ready your bags of pre-chopped frozen veggies (you can even mix fresh and frozen)
When your pasta is cooked, drain and keep it aside.
When the broth comes to a boil, add all of your chopped ingredients and boil for 3 minutes.
Soup's on!
Place a small amount of pasta at the bottom of each bowl and using a ladle, pour soup on top. Sprinkle each bowl of soup with grated Parmesan or Romano cheese and add hot pepper flakes or hot sauce if you want a little kick.
*HINT: If your children won't eat their veggies, remove them after they are cooked, place them in the blender and make a puree. It will seem like pasta and chicken with a thick sauce. They will never know! ;)
** If time allows, you can substitute whole grain pasta for brown rice.
I got this basic recipe from my mom and I constantly play around with it. It always tastes good, every time. Prep time is about 10 minutes. Cooking time- 3 minutes! Try it with what you have lying around. I affectionately call it:
Kitchen Sink Soup!
Serves 4 (and this recipe can be doubled, tripled or what have you)
The ingredients for the broth are the only two things that you need. The rest can change according to your taste and what you have on hand.
-1 Box Pacific Naturals Organic Chicken Broth (Use Pacific Naturals Veggie Broth for veggie version)
-1 Glass Jar or can of cooked, pureed tomatoes (tomato "sauce")
-1 package of boneless chicken breasts (organic; fresh or frozen)
-Substitute chicken with your favorite beans for veggie soup
A few handfuls of chopped fresh or frozen veggies (buy organic!) I like to add things like broccoli, spinach, carrots, cauliflower or zucchini but any veggies your family will eat will work.
**Healthy Carbs
1 box of whole grain pasta (fiber content of 4g per serving or higher)
Boil water for pasta and follow the directions on the package.
Combine broth and tomato sauce in a soup pot and using a high flame, bring to a boil. Add salt and pepper.
While those are heating up, (defrost if you need and) chop up one package of boneless chicken breasts
Wash and chop fresh veggies or ready your bags of pre-chopped frozen veggies (you can even mix fresh and frozen)
When your pasta is cooked, drain and keep it aside.
When the broth comes to a boil, add all of your chopped ingredients and boil for 3 minutes.
Soup's on!
Place a small amount of pasta at the bottom of each bowl and using a ladle, pour soup on top. Sprinkle each bowl of soup with grated Parmesan or Romano cheese and add hot pepper flakes or hot sauce if you want a little kick.
*HINT: If your children won't eat their veggies, remove them after they are cooked, place them in the blender and make a puree. It will seem like pasta and chicken with a thick sauce. They will never know! ;)
** If time allows, you can substitute whole grain pasta for brown rice.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Dating Horror Story #7
I used to work at an upscale gym on the South Shore of Long Island. I worked at the front desk; not the most glamorous of positions but it gave me the opportunity to exercise for free and to meet cute, not such a bad deal. Perks, baby. It's all about the perks.
I often gazed at the male members (of the gym) and wondered which one would be my husband. Checking people in, swiping cards and handing out locks gives one lots of free time for daydreaming. One day this man walked in and handed me his card to swipe. His name was Vincent. He was about 6'2" tall, blonde and an absolute Addonis. His body could have been on the cover of any fitness magazine and he certainly could have been on a Calvin Klein billboard if he had wished to pursue that line of work. I used to stare/drool almost instantaneously every time he walked in the door. A Pavlovian response, for sure. Many members of the gym stopped by to chat for a few either before or after their workouts as many people perceive me to be some sort of therapist. I should have been a bartender. ;) Vincent though, was fairly quiet, only saying "hey" as he breezed passed me on his way to keep his taught body in shape, which made him seem all the more mysterious. I would all but undress him with my eyes with every glance (as soon as he turned around, of course- didn't want to give it away).
One day he and I happened to be working out at the same time. I was sitting upright on a weight bench doing curls and he was doing a handstand against the wall doing push-ups. Yes, that's what I said. Ha! It was so impressive and I took that as an opening for dialogue. I asked him what he was doing and he said he only used gravity and his own weight to work his muscles- no machines, no free weights. I expressed my deepest respect for his methodology and our conversation continued. We exchanged phone numbers and went on our merry ways.
He called me later that night and we had a nice talk. He was a little rough around the edges but very sweet and endearing. We made plans to go to dinner that coming Saturday night. He picked me up and we drove to Brooklyn, to a mob-run Italian joint. This was in the days when Gotti still ruled. Dinner was delicious. I had the ravioli al forno- don't ask me why I remember that. I don't even remember what I had for dinner last night. We had a great time. I actually can't remember a word that he said but I think it didn't matter so much. Just staring at him was enough to fill the few hours we had spent together.
Vincent and I continued to date a few more times and each time we enjoyed ourselves very much. After about a month of dating he invited me over his house to go swimming. He lived with his mom and step-father. He had told me that his mother had gotten remarried to a wealthy Jewish man, though Vincent and his mom were both full-blooded Italian and were from a not-so-hot area of Brooklyn. Well, I pulled up to this unbelievably beautiful stucco colonial home built circa 1928. It was just stunning and the pool was lovely as well. It was a gorgeous day, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, you get it. We swam and giggled, made out and flirted. It was truly a dreamy day. Then...his mother came home from work. We knew she was home because she immediately began screaming in our direction from inside the house. She said, "Vincent?!?!?!?! Who is that whore in the pool with you?!" Um, I was flabbergasted. Me? I am probably the nicest girl Vincent had ever dated because I think he even mentioned that. I was shocked and horrified and embarrassed for him as well.
Vincent jumped out of the pool and ran into the house. His mom screamed, "Vincent, tell that whore to get out of my house!" Vincent yelled something indiscernible back and then I heard this sound...THWACK! I stopped breathing for a second and there was a moment of silence. The silence was broken by a sound of sobbing. His mom began crying and then screaming, saying that Vincent shouldn't have hit her and she was going to call the cops. OMG!!! He hit his mom?! Really? Yes, really! Holy crap! I jumped out of the pool using that adrenaline-powered super-human strength , grabbed my purse and shoes and ran to my car as fast as I could. I think I left my clothes there. I sped away, never to return again. Vincent's phone calls went unanswered and I quit my job at the gym soon afterward.
I often gazed at the male members (of the gym) and wondered which one would be my husband. Checking people in, swiping cards and handing out locks gives one lots of free time for daydreaming. One day this man walked in and handed me his card to swipe. His name was Vincent. He was about 6'2" tall, blonde and an absolute Addonis. His body could have been on the cover of any fitness magazine and he certainly could have been on a Calvin Klein billboard if he had wished to pursue that line of work. I used to stare/drool almost instantaneously every time he walked in the door. A Pavlovian response, for sure. Many members of the gym stopped by to chat for a few either before or after their workouts as many people perceive me to be some sort of therapist. I should have been a bartender. ;) Vincent though, was fairly quiet, only saying "hey" as he breezed passed me on his way to keep his taught body in shape, which made him seem all the more mysterious. I would all but undress him with my eyes with every glance (as soon as he turned around, of course- didn't want to give it away).
One day he and I happened to be working out at the same time. I was sitting upright on a weight bench doing curls and he was doing a handstand against the wall doing push-ups. Yes, that's what I said. Ha! It was so impressive and I took that as an opening for dialogue. I asked him what he was doing and he said he only used gravity and his own weight to work his muscles- no machines, no free weights. I expressed my deepest respect for his methodology and our conversation continued. We exchanged phone numbers and went on our merry ways.
He called me later that night and we had a nice talk. He was a little rough around the edges but very sweet and endearing. We made plans to go to dinner that coming Saturday night. He picked me up and we drove to Brooklyn, to a mob-run Italian joint. This was in the days when Gotti still ruled. Dinner was delicious. I had the ravioli al forno- don't ask me why I remember that. I don't even remember what I had for dinner last night. We had a great time. I actually can't remember a word that he said but I think it didn't matter so much. Just staring at him was enough to fill the few hours we had spent together.
Vincent and I continued to date a few more times and each time we enjoyed ourselves very much. After about a month of dating he invited me over his house to go swimming. He lived with his mom and step-father. He had told me that his mother had gotten remarried to a wealthy Jewish man, though Vincent and his mom were both full-blooded Italian and were from a not-so-hot area of Brooklyn. Well, I pulled up to this unbelievably beautiful stucco colonial home built circa 1928. It was just stunning and the pool was lovely as well. It was a gorgeous day, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, you get it. We swam and giggled, made out and flirted. It was truly a dreamy day. Then...his mother came home from work. We knew she was home because she immediately began screaming in our direction from inside the house. She said, "Vincent?!?!?!?! Who is that whore in the pool with you?!" Um, I was flabbergasted. Me? I am probably the nicest girl Vincent had ever dated because I think he even mentioned that. I was shocked and horrified and embarrassed for him as well.
Vincent jumped out of the pool and ran into the house. His mom screamed, "Vincent, tell that whore to get out of my house!" Vincent yelled something indiscernible back and then I heard this sound...THWACK! I stopped breathing for a second and there was a moment of silence. The silence was broken by a sound of sobbing. His mom began crying and then screaming, saying that Vincent shouldn't have hit her and she was going to call the cops. OMG!!! He hit his mom?! Really? Yes, really! Holy crap! I jumped out of the pool using that adrenaline-powered super-human strength , grabbed my purse and shoes and ran to my car as fast as I could. I think I left my clothes there. I sped away, never to return again. Vincent's phone calls went unanswered and I quit my job at the gym soon afterward.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Truth About Skin: What Pharmaceutical Companies Don't Want You To Know
Please read this in its entirety. Say no to drug companies and improve your health while looking younger and feeling better in the process!
I have posted a few things here and on facebook touching upon this topic but I decided to put everything together here in one concise, easy-to-find place.
I don't have a complicated skin care regimen and I don't spend a ton of money either. I don't buy into hype or marketing ploys. These are things that I do, principles and products that I believe in and these tips are for men and women alike.
We spend about 1/3 of our lives in bed, right? Imagine for all of that time your face is squished, contorted or hanging to one side. What does that do to your face? Wrinkles and sags are created as we sleep. Try sleeping on your back if you can. Your face will look much younger and less puffy if you do.
"Dry" skin is DEAD skin. YOU CAN'T HEAL DRY SKIN! It is a myth created by large pharmaceutical companies to get you to buy their products!!! You must remove dry skin. No matter how much moisturizer you apply you will never make any headway. You must rid yourself of dry, scaly skin and make room for new, healthy skin underneath. Think about what happens to your skin after a day at the beach. The salt, sand and seaweed slough and then "heal" your skin. Look to products that give you this result all year long.
Why is it that men tend to look younger than women? Exfoliation! Men, though completely unaware, are constantly exfoliating their faces each and every time they shave. Women, please don't take a razor to your faces but do exfoliate once or twice a week. Sloughing your skin helps your body create new, healthy skin; it aids in the regeneration process. It also stimulates the production of collagen which helps to firm your skin and fill in lines and wrinkles. Massaging your skin during exfoliation also stimulates your blood cells and helps release toxins.
Another way to help get rid of dead skin is to take a bath for 15-20 minutes in warm water mixed with Epsom salts. After you soak, take your fingernail and gently scratch your leg. You should see the skin come right off. Using a washcloth, vigorously rub your entire body, drain your tub and then rinse off in the shower. Immediately apply a moisturizer such as a natural oil. Jason's Vitamin E Oil is amazing and also helps to heal cuts. With any oil, apply to towel-dried skin and allow 10 minutes for the oil to be absorbed by your skin before getting dressed.
Chap Stick had wonderful commercials when we were growing up and we all bought into it at some point. However, Chap Stick does not help chapped lips! It's waxy texture can protect lips from the elements but once you're chapped, you're done. The next time you brush your teeth try running your toothbrush under warm water, then gently brush your lips using a circular motion. If you do this once or twice a week you will prevent dead skin buildup. Your lips will appear larger and will have a healthier color. Moisturize your lips with a dab of Vitamin E Oil after you exfoliate. Keep Kiehl's Lip Balm in your car. You can also use this balm to massage dry cuticles while you're at a red light.
Getting a really great manicure with a paraffin wax treatment tremendously improves the look of dry hands but if you are like me and you don't have the time try the Apricot Scrub in the shower. If that isn't enough to do the trick, wait until your skin is completely dry and using a nail file, literally file your skin but only in one direction. Pick a direction and stick to it! Then wash your hands with warm water and apply moisturizer.
Again, dry skin is dead skin. I must say this again. You must remove the dead skin on your feet to reveal healthy skin underneath. I keep an antibacterial foot file in the shower which is great. And remember, as always, when filing anything, only file in one direction. DO NOT go back and forth. This goes for skin, nails, sharpening knives, etc. Stridex pads work well also because they are soaked in salicylic acid which helps break down dead skin. They also work great for cleaning underneath your nails. Apply moisturizer to your heels after your shower. You can also try applying Vitamin E Oil to your feet at night. Sleep with white cotton socks. Wake up in the morning to new feet!
I LOVE me some Creme De La Mer. I recommend this to everyone. It moisturizes and improves texture. Nope, it's not cheap my friends, it's over 100 bucks but it lasts over a year. There's a link below. Check it out. I got it from J. Lo, though she buys the industrial size at $1,000 per pop. Ouch!
Read your ingredient labels!!! If your "moisturizer" contains anything at all ending in "ol" like: alcohol, ethyl, glycol, methanol, benzene or isopropyl alcohol...guess what? It is drying out your skin!!! THROW IT AWAY AND NEVER LOOK BACK! If your moisturizer is drying out your skin, what will you need to do? BUY MORE MOISTURIZER! Don't fall for it. Take a stand. Some moisturizers with very high alcohol contents even say, "Dermatologist Approved" on the labels! Guess what? Those dermatologists are paid by drug companies to approve those products.
Also look for formaldehyde, aluminum, animal fats (tallowate sodium), sodium laurel sulfate, bentonite, butane, collagen, DEA, MEA, tea, dioxins, hydrocarbons and glycerin. These chemicals are harmful to you and your body.
Try natural products, especially those made of food-grade ingredients like oils made from olives, coconuts, cocoa butter or almonds. Support small businesses by purchasing lesser known moisturizers. Johnson & Johnson doesn't need your money. By the way, Johnson & Johnson's Baby Lotion? POISON! Filled with alcohol, parabens, silicone, cheap fragrance and loads of chemicals. Know what you are putting on your skin and your children's skin. If you can't eat it, don't use it. Your skin absorbs what you put on it; it eats it. Think about it and make a change for the better.
No time or money for a professional facial? Bliss Spa in NYC has created a line of at-home facial masks that work amazingly well. I have one listed below that is one of my faves. Just follow the simple directions and see an instant improvement in the way your skin looks and feels. I heart Bliss products. Santa, are you listening?
Using these basic principals will help you to look and feel better about yourself. Here's to you!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Organic Nail Polish!
Nail polish is typically an extremely toxic substance filled with nasty chemicals and formaldehyde. Any product that pregnant women are banned, we should stay away from all the time, don't ya think?
If your nail salon doesn't offer any natural nail products, bring your own! Paint your nails and don't worry because these have low or no VOCs, they are non-toxic, have no smell and are totally safe. Here are some great colors to choose from as well as a quick-dry top coat and non-toxic polish remover.
Nail polishes and removers seep into the skin through your cuticles so your body is actually ingesting formaldehyde and other harsh with every manicure you get. Why not switch to a healthier product?
These polishes also make great gifts for pregnant or nursing women as well as your favorite little girl.
If your nail salon doesn't offer any natural nail products, bring your own! Paint your nails and don't worry because these have low or no VOCs, they are non-toxic, have no smell and are totally safe. Here are some great colors to choose from as well as a quick-dry top coat and non-toxic polish remover.
Nail polishes and removers seep into the skin through your cuticles so your body is actually ingesting formaldehyde and other harsh with every manicure you get. Why not switch to a healthier product?
These polishes also make great gifts for pregnant or nursing women as well as your favorite little girl.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
OMG- It's a Miracle! Organic Noodles with so much fiber that they have no calories!!!!
Read about the health benefits of these Japanese noodles. Then Pick some up and try them in soups or with your favorite sauce! No calories, tons of fiber that keeps you full for hours and helps your digestion products. These are the only noodles considered to be safe for diabetic patients. Noodles that help you lose weight?! YES!!!!!!!
Why Is The Miracle Noodle So Healthy?
The answer to this questions lies in understanding the role of fiber in our diets. Our noodle is made mainly of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber acts to slow digestion. By doing this, it allows for the slower absorption of glucose and is the reason behind its beneficial effects in diabetes.
The answer to this questions lies in understanding the role of fiber in our diets. Our noodle is made mainly of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber acts to slow digestion. By doing this, it allows for the slower absorption of glucose and is the reason behind its beneficial effects in diabetes.
The soluble fiber found in the Miracle Noodle slows digestion and prolongs the sensation of fullness and is an essential part of any weight loss program. You also absorb more nutrients in the foods you eat with The Miracle Noodle due to the slowing of digestion.
How Can The Miracle Noodle Help Me In My Weight Loss Goal?
Just by replacing one meal per day with our noodles will significantly raise your needed fiber intake and dramatically lower your total calorie intake. In combination with raising your metabolic rate with moderate exercise, you have just found the tasty weight loss plan you have been looking for.
Just by replacing one meal per day with our noodles will significantly raise your needed fiber intake and dramatically lower your total calorie intake. In combination with raising your metabolic rate with moderate exercise, you have just found the tasty weight loss plan you have been looking for.
Can the soluble fiber in The Miracle Noodle help my cholesterol?
Yes! Soluble fiber binds bile acids that are secreted from the gall bladder. These bile acids have cholesterol in them and are bound up by the soluble fiber in the Miracle Noodle and then excreted. See the 3rd study on the left for specific documentation.
Yes! Soluble fiber binds bile acids that are secreted from the gall bladder. These bile acids have cholesterol in them and are bound up by the soluble fiber in the Miracle Noodle and then excreted. See the 3rd study on the left for specific documentation.
How does The Miracle Noodle help Type II Diabetes?
By slowing the digestive process, there is a slower absorption of glucose which then requires a slower release of insulin from the pancreas which aids in the normalization of blood glucose after eating a meal.
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