Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Harlem Dowling Letters To Santa

Two women.
400 letters to Santa 
Can we do it? 
(scroll down)

YES WE DID!!!!!!!

On behalf of my cousin Perryn and myself, it is with great humility and even greater gratitude  that we reach out to everyone who helped us perform this Christmas miracle. Each one of you who contributed has made this possible. Together, we have answered ALL of the children of Harlem Dowling's letters to Santa and made their wishes come true. Can one person can make a difference? Yes! Without each and every single one of you this would not have been possible. If one person hadn't donated, one child's wish would be left unfulfilled. The importance of knowing that everyone counts cannot be stressed enough.

More tears could not be shed, more hugs and kisses could not be given. For those of you who came here in person and saw for yourself what a few thousand toys look like in a small house, for those of you who helped us wrap, those who picked up gifts all over the place and delivered them to us, those who never met us and took a chance, those who took great care in purchasing the exact thing a child requested, those who donated their own possessions to make this happen, those who enlisted the help of friends, family and co-workers and helped us spread the word of our fledgling charity, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
The children have received their gifts and we are as excited as they are.
Blessings to you all. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and may the most wonderful things happen to you because of your generosity. Please feel free to visit this page throughout the year and post your stories in the comment section of how your random act of kindness was 
returned to you. 
Please email me (Jenn) with your mailing addresses so Harlem Dowling can send each one of you a thank you and a tax deductible form for your kind donations.
Thank you again. 
With love and gratitude,
Jenn and Perryn
(close relatives of Mrs. Claus)

Last year I was made aware of a charitable organization called Harlem Dowling, New York's
oldest orphanage located right here in Harlem, NY. Harlem Dowling services orphans, foster children, helps children be placed back in their homes with their parents, handles adoptions, helps at-risk youth , teens, young adults with after-school programs and so much more. I called over to Harlem last year and asked if any of the children had written letters to Santa, by chance. I had answered random letters written to Santa in the past from the NYC Post Office and doing that always brought me joy. The Post Office used to send letters in the mail upon request.  Now, since 9/11, you have to go in person and pick up the letters and present ID. Last year at this time, I was working like a dog, 16 hours a day, trying to make deadlines, trying to make ends meet so I didn't have the time to go in person and the answer to my question about HD having letters was a resounding, "Yes! And they won't get answered. They are sitting on my desk in a big pile," said the director. I asked to be read one letter over the phone that I could answer. And the first letter read:
"Dear Santa,
I would like a Barbie.
6 years old"
I gasped- oh my. My daughter asks for 900 things every year for Christmas but this little girl only wants one simple Barbie. I was already at Toys R Us in my head. I asked for another letter:

"Dear Santa,
Please bring me a toy car and maybe a puzzle.
Love, B 
5 years old"

My heart was breaking. I asked for another letter and another and yet another and soon I had agreed to answer every letter on that desk, 19 letters in total. I had agreed to purchase and deliver 19 Christmas gifts for these children. 
But how would I answer all of the letters myself? Last year I hadn't enough money to buy my own child presents for Christmas. I couldn't let these children down so I called every friend, posted on facebook and some incredible angels came to help me perform this Christmas miracle. Not only was I able to answer the 19 letters but with support from my amazing friends and generous clients, last year I was able to buy 100 extra Christmas gifts for the Harlem children. 

Nineteen letters. It felt great but then it sunk in. Harlem Dowling services over 1,100 children. I began to feel sad. I didn't do enough. So many children who had not thought to write perhaps didn't receive anything for Christmas. 

This year, my cousin teamed up with me. She created a wonderful letter for the social workers to help the kids fill out so they can jot down their wishes from Santa. 
I am so excited to announce that we have about 400 letters to Santa this year. I am grateful, overwhelmed and all that. So, if you want to make a child's wish come true this year, please look through the list below, contact me ASAP and let me know which gift you would like to take care of. You can choose a child in need, (just let me know so we don't have dupes!) purchase the gift yourself and ship it to me (try Amazon- FREE shipping) so I can deliver it, if you live locally (Long Island) I can pick it up or you can send me a donation and I will purchase the gift or if you would like to give a general donation I always welcome that. I will pick up as much as I can but not much time left. I just got the letters yesterday and this will take a small miracle to pull off. If you can neither give a gift nor money, please consider taking something from your wardrobe closet, pantry, attic or basement. Harlem Dowling needs clothing, winter coats (for babies through adult sizes), and FOOD! I will pick up any donations of gifts, food, winter coats or clothing that is gently used (please- I mean gently) if I can but the clock is ticking. Please respond ASAP!!!!!! And please help me perform an even greater miracle this year. Please pass this around. If you are unable to help, perhaps someone you know can. Anyone who donates will receive a letter for tax purposes. All donations are 100% tax-deductible. Please visit to learn more about this wonderful charity for which I am volunteering.

With much love, gratitude and joyful wishes for this coming new year.
Jennifer Scully

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hide Your TV!

The last thing I want to look at in a formal living room is a television. To create a clean, calm and serene atmosphere, choose a "diversion" such as a beautiful flat screen cabinet like this one below. Or...if you have a larger budget, scroll down for something super-cool!
This TV below is a mirror when you turn it off! Watch the video. 

I love these new mirrored TVs. I always recommend this if it's in the budget:

Friday, November 18, 2011

Stanley Furniture

Oh, how I love me some Stanley Furniture. The Avalon Collection, the newest addition, is my favorite of all. Very classic, glamorous and oh so chic. Yummy eye candy! Contact me for amazing discounts. Shipping available anywhere in the contiguous United States. 
For pricing:

For professional measuring or design services within two hours of NYC:

Staging a Living Room

This living room is cozy, contemporary, clean and appeals to the masses. It is market-ready. 

Here is what it looked like before. Still a nice room but the lived-in look doesn't get top dollar. 
Here's what we did to achieve the look: First off, we cleared away everything and started from scratch. We reused the sofa, chair, end table, one large artwork and lamp. We switched pillows from a den sofa to add warm color. Purchased was a cocktail table, area rug, bowl with twig balls, artificial flowers and vase. Approximately $300 was spent and we got a new room!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Letters To Santa

This was written in December of 2010...

As a child, I dreamed of a room full of toys and goodies and looking back, I can say that I was always pleasantly surprised by what my mom was able to do for me even, at times, on less than a shoestring budget.

Now I have my own child and I am on a tight budget myself and yet I still managed to get what my daughter really wants; a Barbie (among some other cool toys). Don't tell her. Let's give Santa the credit this year. ;)

In the past I have been more than fortunate to have had plenty; even excess, and I have often answered letters written to Santa by under-privileged children. This year I didn't even entertain the thought because I am struggling myself but I had an emptiness in my heart, knowing that I have a roof over my head, food on the table and I am still able to find the money for some gifts for my family while there are those without who will not receive any gifts or even a proper Christmas dinner this year. I decided that while I couldn't do much, I would find a way to do something.

I couldn't make it to the post office on 33rd and 8th in Manhattan to pick up a letter to Santa so I looked to do something else. On Thursday I made a call to Harlem Dowling, a center that services over 1,000 needy children right here in NYC. I asked if any of the children had written letters to Santa and I got a resounding, "Yes." I asked how I could help and was told that I could have the letters sent to me. Well, I couldn't blindly promise to answer more than one or two letters and there wasn't enough time to wait for the mail so I asked to have a letter read to me over the phone.

It went like this, "Dear Santa, I would like a book and a puzzle. Love, Aiden, 6 years old." Well, I had to make sure that Aiden got such a simple wish fulfilled. I asked for another letter. "Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie doll. Love, Desteny." A Barbie is $5.99. I got that. I asked for more and more letters and suddenly I was taking on more than I could afford. I reached out to some friends and family who agreed to chip in with me and I was able to get 8 letters answered within an hour. I called back and asked for more letters. More volunteers asked if they could help and all specific Christmas wishes were fulfilled within 24 hours. I called back and asked what else the children needed. Clothes for the teenagers. Ah, a little difficult but Old Navy has a store near the facility in Harlem and the children would be able to use gift certificates to buy some things and after-Christmas sales are so good that $20 gift certificates would be able to be used for 2-3 items of clothing for each child. I put out the word via facebook and three more friends offered to help. We were able to purchase 25 Old Navy gift certificates. Some more donations came in and items like pajamas and robes, skateboards and games, some more Barbies and toy cars would be added to the list. 140 gifts were purchased in total and I delivered them (thank goodness for the SUV) just two days before Christmas. Phew!

The outpouring of help I received in 2010, a year when most people were struggling, was nothing short of amazing. I am going to bring Christmas gifts to Harlem Dowling again in 2011, so if anyone would like to help out and be a Santa's Helper, please contact me ASAP. Last year we were able to give 140 presents. This year I am shooting for 1,000!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Dating Horror Story #8 Chicken Soup: Good For The Soul?

I was living in NYC and newly divorced. I had rented an oh-so-fabulous apartment on the East Side of Manhattan in a quiet neighborhood across from Beth Israel Hospital in the Gramercy area. I didn't have a key to Gramercy park, but it was a swanky joint, nonetheless. I still have a crush on my doorman, Herbie. He's like Derek Jeeter...if Jeeter were a doorman. He looks a lot like Derek and he's very smooth. He's got an Edge. Ha! Oh, and an aside- that time that Derek jumped into the stands to catch the ball and got hurt- he jumped into my seat, only I had left about 3 minutes before that happened. If only I had stayed, Derek would have jumped right into my lap. How things might have been different. ;)

My first night in that NY apartment, after a long, arduous move and after unpacking and setting up all of my furniture (I'm a freak like that- give me one day and I'm settled in), I laid there in bed huddled under my blanket with my two cats. We were all nervous and shaking. The sounds of the nearby ambulances blared and pierced through the thick summer-in-the-city air. The street noise from Second Avenue was absolutely unbearable, even though I had double-paned noise-reduction windows. It was a far cry from the tranquil 1.6 wooded acre property on Long Island from which I had just moved. I kept thinking my parents might have been right and I just might have made a mistake moving to the city. Maybe I'm not a city girl at all, I thought. I love nature; the quiet atmosphere and the sheer joy and harmony felt being surrounded by plant and animal life.

I felt so lonely that night I actually thanked my cats for sticking by me. Well, they didn't really have a choice but nevertheless, they were there when no one else was. My poor kitties have moved with me 7 times in the last 14 years.

In a way, I was excited to start my life over but at the same time I was desperately trying to figure out where it went wrong. My marriage had ended, my singing career was at a standstill...It was a pity party, for sure, though I was the only (human) guest in attendance.

I began dating a bit as any newly divorced woman living in The City of Eternal Bachelors would. I used to go out to restaurants by myself where I would sit at the bar and have dinner. Pathetic, you say? I say not so much. I met some really great people that way. It forces you to talk and meet people if you go out alone. It's actually fun if you allow yourself to be open. And if there's no one interesting, the bartender is always open for a good discussion.

I went on a bunch of dates and mostly (in my own predictable fashion) went out with men whom I already knew; high school friends, co-workers and colleagues. I had met this one guy through a mutual friend. He was a musician like myself and he was also really, really cute. He was actually impossibly sexy. We had made plans to have lunch though we never made it out of the apartment because after about an hour of talking we began making out and the kissing quickly became much more important than a turkey sandwich. We had a great time and had a couple more dates. I called him to confirm a date once and said, "Hi, it's Jenn." He proceeded to have a conversation with me that didn't make sense until I realized that he had mistaken me for another "Jenn" or "Jen" he must have been dating. That was the red flag. I didn't run because why, do you ask? He was one of the sexiest men I had ever met. And that's enough of a reason, okay? Good. I'm so glad we have this understanding.

He had asked me to have dinner on a Sunday night and though it was possible he thought he was asking  one of the other Jenns or Jens, I accepted. A few hours before the date he called to tell me that he had come down with the flu and had to cancel and I could tell he was being sincere.  I felt so bad because I knew what it was like to be in NY alone and to be so sick, so I offered to bring him some supplies to help him feel better. He was brutally sick so he quite happily accepted my generous gesture. I (gulp) offered to come over and make him homemade chicken soup from scratch. The recipe is that of my great-grandmother's and it takes 4 hours to make. I have since learned the fast 20 minute version, but I digress...I was out of my mind. I hardly knew this man! That's me, though. I always make a big effort when I can.

I really went overboard that day. I went to the best butcher and the best fruit and vegetable store in NY to obtain my ingredients. I dressed in a tight white minidress and wore white shoes to play the part of a sexy nurse. I toted a gigundo soup pot and bags full of groceries from NYC to heels. I enjoy helping people which is occasionally a problem because I tend to go above and beyond the call of duty and when you don't know me and know that I behave like this all the time, (Im a giver) you just might get scared off.

So, I went over and I made the soup. It took such a long time that he pretended to be asleep. I think he was hoping I would get the hint (I did) and leave to end this torture but I felt bad leaving him with a giant pot of half-cooked chicken wings on the stove so I saw it through to the end. When the soup was finally ready, we sat down together and ate it in an uncomfortable silence. I didn't finish mine and I abruptly got up and washed the dishes before I left. I told him I hoped he would feel better soon and I went home feeling sick, like I had done something wrong. He didn't call me the next day. I probably should have called to see how he was feeling but I thought I would leave it to him to contact me because I felt I may have blown it. A day turned to a week and I didn't hear from him so I broke down and emailed him. I asked how he was feeling and also asked when I could come and pick up my soup pot. That thing was over 200 bucks! I also mentioned that he had hurt my feelings by not calling for a week. I mean, he could have said thank you or...something. No, instead he thought I was a nut and aside from a couple of emails back and forth over the subsequent week, we never spoke again and I never got my pot back.

Looking back, I can see so many mistakes here. First of all, guys like women who play hard to get. He wasn't feeling well and cancelled. I should have left it at that. Secondly, my Florence Nightingale routine can be overwhelming even for someone who knows me well. Thirdly, I was an idiot. This guy was so ill and I intruded on his personal space for 4 hours because that's how long it took for the soup to cook. I should have dropped some Theraflu by his door and left at the most. Seven years later, (a few weeks ago) my mother gave me one of my grandmother's special soup pots. My soup is delicious and my daughter appreciates it when I make it, so I guess all is well.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


We all know that paint or any wall treatment for that matter is a crucial part of the overall look of your room. One question my clients have on a consistent basis is, "When do I pick my paint color?"

I am often brought in after my clients encountered a design disaster and I'm asked to "fix it" or "make it work somehow." And very often my clients have made a mess of the walls by either choosing the wrong color or having painted themselves. There is a reason to hire a professional and I always recommend doing so. Save time, money and aggravation by selecting your color at just the right time and by hiring a pro painter who has the skill and knowledge necessary to give your home that polished look.

So, when do you choose your paint? It's simple. Paint can be any color in the entire world. Paint can be custom-matched to a fabric, a piece of fruit or anything you can think of. So, always choose your paint LAST. After your furniture, fabrics and accessories, after your area rug or flooring, after your throw pillows, cabinetry, backsplash, after everything is chosen, then take one of the colors you are working with; your favorite one, and paint your walls that color.

For discounts on Sherwin Williams or Anna Sova paint and supplies please contact me through my website,

Monday, April 25, 2011

Updated Designer Discount Furniture Resources

As a designer, I receive discounts from many manufacturers and I am able to save my clients tons of money. Some of my clients join Direct Buy before hiring me and then kick themselves afterward because paying me for a few hours entitles them to the discounts they receive through Direct Buy without the $5,000 membership fee and without being limited to Direct Buy's manufacturers. Many of my clients see something they want online and then ask me to shop it out and I do!!

I encourage my clients to spend on certain items and save on others. For pieces like a family room sofa, a bed or a kitchen table, I think it's important to spend a little more so the quality is there. You will be spending so much time using those pieces every day. Other pieces like side tables or occasional furniture, accessories and throw pillows- those things won't get used as often or can be less expensive and can be easily replaced to create a new look.

There are a few companies I order from over and over again. The quality is great, the designs are fresh and the prices are fantastic with my insider discounts. For information about how to receive a designer discount, please send me an

For a great look at furniture and all the wonderful manufacturers I represent, please visit where you can look at any item from any of the manufacturers sites listed on my website, request a quote and save a ton of money. 

For interior design help contact: and feel free to visit my design website:

Friday, April 8, 2011

Sex and an Incorporated Village on Long Island (Ha!)

So, I sit here on my laptop on a cool April evening out on my little back patio, my dogs softly snorting in the background. I just got back from a business trip. Since I own my own business and for now it's just me running the show, I went on this jaunt alone. I spent four days alone. Alone is a word that keeps echoing in my head. For how long will I be by myself? While in my hotel room, alone, I watched an old episode of Sex and The City during which Charlotte uttered that great quote, "I've been dating since I'm 14. I'm exhausted. Where is he?" I giggled but then I came to a realization. I, too, have been dating since I'm 14. I, too, am exhausted and I often ponder the whereabouts of Prince Charming. Sigh...Oh, Charlotte. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.

Like I said, my dating life began at the tender age of 14 and from then until the age of 37, I was not without a boyfriend for more than a week or two. Crazy? Perhaps. I have no problems meeting men. The problem was me. I needed to be with someone because without someone in my life telling me how great I was, I felt worthless. Thank goodness I saw the light and realized that there is no worth greater than self-worth.You have to feel good about yourself and not rely on others to give that to you. Emotional freedom. How profound.

Spending these past few days completely alone; driving to the airport, flying, staying in my hotel room, eating by myself at the bar at the Greensboro Airport Holiday Inn (I recommend the ribeye, by the way), etc., really gave me time to think, which sometimes, for me, can be dangerous.  This time? Not dangerous as much as ponderous. I was thinking about the fact that I am a late bloomer, thinking of how far I have come in the past year in terms of my business and financial goals, how much of a better mom I have become and then I started thinking about the future, hoping that it will get even better than it's been because while everything seems to be going my way there are some things missing and I am trying to visualize (visualization totally works!) a future for myself and my daughter that is as beautiful as possible in every way.

The future...something I have always had a hard time with. I don't plan so this visualization stuff does not come easily for me. Maybe I don't make plans because my father passed away when I was 4 and my life was always seeming to be a little chaotic and unpredictable? I don't know. I can always seem to navigate little twists and turns, bumps in the road and find (or create) a new path without much todo and without looking back. I actually crave change and look forward to things turning out completely differently than expected or maybe I don't even expect anything at all and am constantly surprised. Don't get me wrong. Even though I can be easy-going and go-with-the-flow, I have the ability to take the bull by the horns and make things happen, though I do need a fire lit under my big ole butt.

Losing my house and most of my belongings really did light that fire and looking into my daughter's eyes and seeing how precious and impressionable she is fanned that flame. I knew I needed to do something for her, to provide for her, to show her how powerful a woman can be. I need to be a good role model for her; have to be. Starting my own business was the best thing I have ever done. I have such a feeling of accomplishment. At the end of the day, I don't have a ton of money but I do have a ton of pride. My daughter said when she grows up she wants to be just like me and that is the highest compliment I have ever received.

I have an amazing child. She won an award at school for being a good person. I love her school but especially for things like that. Her principal told me she is his favorite student. Keep that on the down-low, huh? She is always kind, helpful and open to others and always has a smile on her face is what her teachers say. I also have an amazing job. I meet so many wonderful people and I get to help them with their design dilemmas (the "fixer" in me thrives on that) while using my creativity. Though I miss singing for my supper, my current job provides me with the opportunity to be home for my daughter which is something that is very important to me. I feel happy with everything in my life except that I want (see? I said "want" not need) a great love and that part; well, that's not coming so easily.

I have dabbled in online dating but with no success. What is the statistic? 60% of men on online dating sites are married? I don't know. I just heard something like that. I met a few of those, for sure. I also met some really great men but they were just not right for me. I am picky. But am I so picky that I will end up alone?

This is a Carrie Bradshaw moment, for sure.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Save Over $1,000 Per Year While Getting Thinner and Healthier!

Here is something I learned very recently. This tip will help keep you healthier, will help keep your weight down and can also save you tons of money! The best part is, it's so easy:

Every time you leave the house, take a bottle of water, an energy bar  and a piece of fruit with you.


For Your Health
Make sure you eat a little something every few hours. This will help keep your blood sugar stable, will help you curb your appetite at mealtime and will most likely prevent you from being so starving that you veer into a fast food drive-thru or deli at 40 miles per hour only to regret it about an hour later.

If you already have a healthy and convenient snack right next to you in the car, you will be satisfied for a few hours until you have time to make healthy choice while you're out or until you get home.

For Your Wallet
If you buy your water and energy bars in bulk you could save between $1,500-$2400 dollars over the course of the year versus a trip to a fast food establishment, deli, etc. Your metabolism will improve and your waistline will be slimmer. Also, less stops at the store will save you money on other things. How many times do you walk into a store for one thing and come out with 3 or  more?

To Aid in Digestion
Buy bars that are high in fiber because these will fill you up more and they will help your body digest and eliminate. A healthy digestive tract helps to prevent disease! Make sure what you are eating has at least 6 grams of fiber per serving. Read the back of every box before you buy. I like Gnu Bars because they have 12 grams of fiber per serving. They really fill you up! I buy them in bulk. I keep a big bowl of them in my kitchen so they're always in plain sight and I bring one with me every time I leave for work. Orange Cranberry and Peanut Butter are the best flavors but try one until you find what you like or try other brands- just make sure the fiber content is there.

If you follow this tip, your body will thank you and so will your wallet.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Me and Diddy

Some of you may know I was a professional singer for most of my adult life. Most people ask me, "Where did you sing?" not knowing that if you are making music for a living you work, well, where the work is. I sang in a wedding band for 11 years, recorded a little, sang at clubs, bars, restaurants, The Waldorf Astoria Hotel (which was a wonderful job- hi, Darin) and my most prominent gig, in the Enrique Iglesias band. I will tell grittier stories from the road in other posts. Here is one that is quite fabulous and sophisticated.

The year was 2002. I was working with Enrique and we got a call to perform at the MTV Music Awards which was being held in Barcelona, so beautiful, by the way. I hope to go back one day for pleasure. I was really nervous. I hadn't been in the band very long and we never rehearsed much for TV shows. There were always surprises thrown in like, "Let's do this song in Spanish tonight" when we never even heard the song in Spanish and the show was starting in 5 minutes. That really The Latin Grammys...I think I burned that tape.

We got to the MTV Award Show really early for a run-through and we had a lot of down time. It's the old 'hurry-up-and-wait' thing people hear about in show business. I put on 7 layers of makeup, paced around the venue, ate something, drank tons of water, peed 900 times and then decided to go for a walk. Security was too tight. I couldn't really go anywhere so I stepped outside in the back of the building. I was by myself out there. It was really peaceful. I was trying to calm myself down and collect my thoughts. I began staring into space, getting lost in my own head. Just when I felt completely serene I heard a noise. The back door opened and a handsome man wearing a suit stepped out. He was holding a parasol. I think I've seen him before is what I said to myself. Oh, yeah. He's P. Diddy's (he still had the "P." then- this was shortly after the Sean Combs, Puff Daddy and Puffy were all dropped. Maybe I should consider a name change...) yes, it's P. Diddy's butler, Fonzworth Bentley! Sure enough, Bentley held the door and out walked Diddy. He looked very dapper, as always. He was on his phone on a seemingly important call. It was only the three of us in this small alleyway so it was a bit uncomfortable. I felt strange just walking inside as soon as they came out so I instead turned my body away to give him privacy and awkwardly...just stood there, trying not to eavesdrop.

Diddy and J. Lo had just broken up. It had been all over the news. I knew he was single and not only could I feel his energy focusing toward me I could see him looking at me using my peripheral vision. He was fighting with someone on the phone but at the same time he was checking me out. Multi-tasking at its best. And all the while he was being shielded from the sun by his butler holding a parasol over his head. This was surreal. Diddy gave his butler some hand signals while he continued his phone conversation and Bentley nodded his head in acknowledgement. Then Bentley approached me with his parasol and said, "Mr. Diddy requests your presence this evening. Surely you will attend." as he handed me a very fancy invitation (with a white-gloved hand) to Diddy's private party in Barcelona that night. OMG! Things like this just don't happen every day to poor girls from Long Island. What an opportunity! Diddy thought I was pretty/hot/sexy/famous enough to go to his party! What do I wear? What do I say? Whom will I meet? I wasn't even nervous about the show anymore. I was nervous about this party.

I told my bandmates about what had happened and they all told me that Diddy's parties were a dangerous place for a girl like me. I'm too naive and innocent and I could be hurt is what they said. There could be drugs, guns or some kind of violence. The men Diddy hung out with didn't respect women. I didn't care. I wanted to go anyway. After the show I cleaned up and got dressed for the party and as I was walking out the door...I changed my mind. I was in love with someone who wouldn't have appreciated me going and besides, my mom would have killed me if I went. The guilt. I always wonder what would have happened had I gone. Would I have been one of The Pussy Cat Dolls? Who knows? I never got an opportunity like that again. But anyway, Diddy asked me out, or so the story goes. :-)

Let's Get Organized in 2011!

Let's Get Organized in 2011!

It's a new year and it's chilly out there. Most of us are spending more time indoors in these cold, winter months. Right now is a great time to do some "spring cleaning." A great place to start is right at the entrance to your home. Many people don't think of the entranceway or front hall as a room but it truly is and should be furnished that way to maximize your space and keep you organized as you enter and leave your home.

Here are two great tips to help you get that entranceway organized and under control:

Where Are My Keys?
Oh, they're on a hook right next to my front door!

Mirrors with hooks on them are a great space-saving way to organize your keys and sunglasses. My keys go right on the hook as soon as I walk in and guess what? They're right there when I need to leave in a hurry. And while my table has a surface, I make sure I can't pile things up on it. I don't want to see a pile of clutter when I first walk in. There is a shelf on the bottom of the table that holds mail, magazines and catalogs that I want to reference later.

If you have the space, tables like these are great. A bowl on top to drop your keys in, a shelf on the bottom for frequently worn shoes or baskets for accessories or magazines. These tables are all courtesy of Stanley Furniture. 

Where is My Hat?

Hall stands are great also. They work great in the entrance or in the mudroom. Mine has hooks for hanging otherwise "lost" items such as hats and gloves and I also use the hooks for guests' coats so they are never uncomfortable asking for their coats when it is time to leave. This hall stand has a seat for putting on your shoes and the seat lid flips up and for storage underneath. A great place to look for something like this is your local antique store- it's totally green and always costs less! Mine is from 1880 and it's still in wonderful condition.

Keeping your area near the front door organized helps keep clutter from building up in other areas of your home. And a beautiful display as soon as you walk in makes your home more inviting to you as well as your guests. 

Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Contact me through my website for deep discounts on Stanley Furniture shipped all over the U.S.

Consultations available anywhere in the world through Skype!